Years ago I read a quote that reshaped my approach to life; “If you did everything you could, then everything will turn out the way it should.” These words reminded me that complete reliance on myself is limited, but having faith in my fate makes me limitless.
To be clear, I’m not promoting a lifestyle of sit, do nothing, and expect results. Even scripture states that faith without works is dead. I am saying, however, that everything achieved or unachieved, after you’ve done all you can, should be seen through the lens of fate. Fate accepts that the outcome of any endeavor is meant to serve your life’s purpose; a purpose decided by a Higher Power. I refer to that Higher Power as God, others call it the universe or give another explanation. Whatever your persuasion may be, Dr. Paul C. Davies, the English Physicist, suggests “…both religion and science are founded on FAITH — a belief in the existence of something outside the universe (i.e. an unexplained God or an unexplained set of physical laws.)”
This is why I suggest that having “Faith In Your Fate” is important. Because you’ll disappoint yourself by trying to control what is out of your control. Life has a funny way of humbling us. Our culture emphasizes self-reliance, but as we all have learned, things will not always work out the way we intended. Our responsibility, is to use the lessons from the triumphs and disappointments as references for present or future decisions. In other words, control what you can (your actions and effort) and have faith (complete trust) that the end result is tied to your unexplainable fate (destiny).
Believe it or not, exercising faith is actually a great way to master peace of mind: Here are 5 benefits of living by faith
No worries, the birds of the air don’t sow or reap like we do, but they still make it. Living by faith reduces uncertainty.
Why beat up yourself over what was out of your control. The stress we create is often because we’re obsessed with knowing what the outcome will be. Living by faith reduces anxiety.
Belief influences behavior. When you practice faith, with works, it gives life to your dreams. Living by faith reduces discouragement.FAITH KEEPS YOU FOCUSED
You can stop looking toward the end result and just zero in on the next step. Living by faith produces patience with the process.FAITH GIVES YOU POWER OVER FEAR
Many of us would take more action if we knew we could not fail. Guess what, you can’t Fail at your Fate. Living by faith reminds you that there is nothing to lose. Faith eliminates fear.
In the end… We have no choice but to accept that the final outcome of any endeavor is beyond our control. For many, that thought is a difficult pill to swallow, but for those who do accept it, they find much more peace. You can control your actions, but not the outcomes. Having faith in your fate reminds you that all things work together, good or bad, for the furtherance of your purpose.